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What is the booking procedure?

How do I send a request? (commission free)

You have sent your availability requests, now what?

Requests Pending tab - desktop

Requests Pending tab - mobile

When you send any kind of request, Venue Hosts have 2 days to respond to you or else your request expires. Venue Hosts get notified by email and mobile message as soon as you press the sending button.

Available Space

If the Space is available, you will get to communicate (through direct message) and ask anything additional that you may want or it might be that the Venue Hosts have questions for you. Open up your messages to check.

Watch out! It is against our Terms to reveal your identity, share or ask for direct contact details from the Venue Hosts. You will get to speak to each other only once you have proceeded to book (which is another free request step) at which point Venue Hosts see your mobile number and can reach you out through a call.

So in case you want to visit the Space you still have to go through the ‘proceed to book’ step. Since it is a free request and you are not charged, this is all you need to do. You can message your intention explaining that ‘proceeding to book’ serves only as a means to get there.

Expired Requests

We penaltise Venue Hosts who leave a number of their requests to expire, however, this does not mean it cannot and it will not happen. It is not a good practice to send multiple requests to the same Venue Hosts at a time without waiting for their respond. It does not improve your chances and can result in having your account being blocked by our system, so you will lose any chance of connecting with them. Instead, it is better to just wait and re-request only once your ‘pending request’ has changed its status to ‘expired’.

You can search for alternatives and send multiple availability requests before deciding what your final pick would most ideally be

How do I communicate with the Venue Hosts?

You can send direct messages once you have sent your free availability request. How do I communicate with Venue Hosts?

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